Student Solution


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M6 Assignment

6 Assignment

Q Analyze the theory of pluralism. What are some of the assumptions of pluralism concerning the role of interests and factions in American politics? How did James Madison suggest factions be addressed? What are some contemporary criticisms of pluralism? What is an interest group? Describe some different types of interest groups active in American politics. What are some of the similarities these different types share in terms of organization and recruitment? Why has there been a proliferation of interest groups in the United States? What have been the effects on the political process? What are some of the historical reasons for the proliferation of interest groups during the 1930s and the 1960s? Describe some of the different strategies that interest group representatives may employ to gain influence on public policy. Describe the different approaches taken by various interest group officials in pursuit of their policy agenda. What are some incentives interest groups can offer to encourage people to join and contribute to the group? Differentiate and discuss each. All interest groups need to recruit and retain members in order to achieve their political goals. Explain what the “free-rider” problem is and why it makes recruitment and retention difficult for interest groups. Drawing on the history of the American Association of Retired People, discuss how successful interest groups are able to overcome the free-rider problem. In your answer, be sure to define the different kinds of selective incentives interest groups provide to their members

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1. Pluralism as a political ideology says that we can and should "all just get along." Pluralism, which was first recognized as an essential component of democracy by Ancient Greek thinkers, allows and even encourages a diversity of political opinion and involvement. Pluralism is a political ideology that asserts that people of diverse beliefs, origins, and lifestyles can live together in the same community and participate equally in the democratic process